Gary Gladstone
Today I will write more because last week I let a million distractions keep me from actually hitting the keys.
I’ll start now.
I feel better because of my resolve. Let’s start.
Let me just check email first. I’ll open this Continue reading The Fine Art Of Not Writing →
Rummaging through some old college notebooks from a box in the attic the other day, I came upon a protest flyer from my senior year at Iona College, in New Rochelle, New York. It was May of 1970, and I was weeks away from graduating. “ON STRIKE” the flyer proclaims. Continue reading Four Dead in O-hi-o →
Driving home after dark, chapped- lipped and thirsty. Too tired to wrestle with my bag for the lip balm tucked in a side pocket, so I open my mouth wide and stretch my cheeks back, brandishing an excited killer clown Continue reading Necessary Things and Other Ramblings →
"Write while the heat is in you." Henry David Thoreau ……Photo by Ramon Hernandez