Editor-in chief of Tales from the Lake blog, member of Lake Writers @ AotL, finalist in 2015 The Big Brick Review first annual Essay contest. Published in 1989 American Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, and self-published in A First Cousins Presentation of Selected Poetry: A Timeclock, The Train, and a River So Blue -1980.
Lady feels liberated. She glides through the hallway. The day’s events sift and fall through her head like fairy dust. Blue carpeting ripples under foot like a rising tide.
Lady takes a cursory look around the room; even without direct eye contact she can see the wrinkled faces and craning necks over the high back chairs, stretching toward her… She smiles apprehensively and backs away. She had no intention of making a spectacle of herself. She doesn’t know where that came from. But it did. She was compelled. It must have been the Muzak and the waiting. Continue reading For Lack of a Hat Part II→
Driving home after dark, chapped- lipped and thirsty. Too tired to wrestle with my bag for the lip balm tucked in a side pocket, so I open my mouth wide and stretch my cheeks back, brandishing an excited killer clown Continue reading Necessary Things and Other Ramblings→
"Write while the heat is in you." Henry David Thoreau ……Photo by Ramon Hernandez