July 8, 1935 – July 29, 2023
From Gary’s entry in this site:
I’m a photojournalist and commercial photographer. (Remember LIFE, LOOK and the Saturday Evening POST?)
In the ‘60’s, I was a comedy writer and jazz record producer. Since the ‘70’s, I have authored eleven books mostly related to or containing photography. In 2003 “Passing Gas And Other Towns Along The American Highway” (Ten Speed Press) was published, followed by the sequel, “Reaching Climax And Other Towns Along The American Highway.” Collectively, they contain 110 portraits of people who live in absurdly named real towns like Stinking Point, Virginia Dickshooter, Idaho, Tight Squeeze, Virginia, Gas, Kansas and Climax, Minnesota.
I wrote daily journals of my experiences visiting these towns, which became the text portion of these picture books. Surprised by reviewer’s unexpected comments on the writing, I gave up the road after 75,000 miles of self-financed travel for a keyboard and began telling true stories, using only words, just for fun.
Two years and thirty chapters later, a memoir emerges with a working title: “Loose Change” The stories seem to make people smile. Dipping into my childhood is a lot like popping into strange towns and discovering funny stories.
It’s just too much fun to stop.
(Ed: Many of those stores are below. For Gary’s obituary, click here.)
We gratefully acknowledge Bonnie Snyder, Gary’s partner, and Greg Gladstone, Gary’s son, for their generous efforts in making this compilation possible.
Bacon Burial — Dad’s desire to impress; My eye-opening event learning about Jews not eating pork. I learn later in life, God’s lesson, “DO the Right Thing” |
Big Beef Baked Alaska Banquet — World War II Ends!! At age 10, “Hello Mother, Hello Father,” letters from summer camp. |
Box Step — A rare moment of light-heartedness and embarrassment with Mom. |
Bribing God — Playing around I cause the Hanukkah menorah candles to set fire to the kitchen curtains. I bribe God to save myself from punishment. |
Cloud Dancing — Gifts of life….this one is nature’s beauty viewed from my Cessna! |
Cross-eyed Great Dane — The making of an early TV commercial in 1947. Age 12. (FUNNY. DAD PORTRAIT) |
Crybaby — Early newspaper horrors, effect in me until age 71 because grandfather…cried. (WHISTFUL. EMOTIONAL). Gary’s posting on this website. |
Down And Dirty — Three episodes of planting my head into dog poop, ages 16. 24. 25 (FUNNY) |
Duck Tales — Billie. Daisy. Mom against the US Army. Childhood love of ducks, and three stories about ducks I have known. (CAMEO DUCK stories) |
Egg Head — Mom tries to tell me my head is not egg-shaped. Mom gives me driving lessons. |
The Fine Art of Not Writing — Gary’s posting on this website. “Gary captured some hauntingly familiar rituals here”-Tom Kersting |
Getting Shorter — Musings on death and dying and how it may all play out for me. (SAD. SLIGHTLY FUNNY INTROSPECTIVE) |
Hooker #3 (Woo-Wee, Don’t Do That) — 1962 Age-27. Stopped at a red light on Second Ave in NYC where an aggressive street hooker sticks her rear all the way into my window. (FUNNY. PROSTITUTE). Gary’s posting on this website. For his reading version, click here. To watch Gary read this, click here. |
I’ll Cry Later — A shocking and devastating experience… How could a mother do this? |
Loose Change Essay List — A list of these essays, their summaries, and others not included here. |
Medical Merry-Go-Round — Ed: Sadly, years later the cause of Gary’s demise. |
Murderers — Age 18 (1953) Late-night attack by two thugs that turned out to be murders. (FRIGHTENING. SCARY) |
My Delinquent Dozen Criminal Acts From The Early Years — Gary’s antics over the years…..getting caught turned my life around! |
My Stint In The Newspaper Biz — 1954 Age 19. Flunking out of high school and finding my first real job and one that I loved. Introduction to newspaper publishing . Anecdotes. (AMUSING. WORK) |
Off Road Hospital Journals — My antics to get served better the food at the hospital. |
Pig Farm Fugitive (Prisoner of Love) — Stress to the MAX!! |
Rae On Top — Age 16. 1951. I meet a seductive classmate and flee (COA, LIGHT HUMOR) |
Room Service At The Ossining — Ossining Hotel COA Visit from Hotel Hooker in my room Age 16 (FUNNY. COA) |
Rose On The Denver Bus — First serious midnight passion with transient farm girl in a cross country bus. Age 14 (expanded excerpt from Delinquent Dozen. (COA ROMANCE). To watch Gary read this, click here. |
That’s Me There — Memories of mischievous moments with some regrets. |
Three Poems in Quarantine — Gary’s posting on this website. “Gary painted such a thoughtful, vivid picture with welcome humor and honesty- as was his style.”-Laura Dewender, May 2020 |
You Got Yo’ Seff A Big One — Poor praying mantis!! |