New York Pause
Red on red a cardinal
flies into the red maple
stop sign red signals
STOP! I am stress tsunami
down, red on red stopped
summon ancient forces:
baby, fire, cannon,
crocodile breath, OM. A sigh
all I can manage. Continue reading Covid Diary, Tanka variations, Early May 2020 →

Do you hear that sound breaking through the trees?
Hush, you must listen Continue reading Sounds of the Blight →
Oh My Darlin’ Quarantine
This morning I punched my shirt
I sleep in two long-sleeve tee shirts
I’m old and chill easy Continue reading Three Poems In Quarantine →

The Japanese have a word for it,
the pathos of things,
Continue reading For All That Is And Yet May Be →
"Write while the heat is in you." Henry David Thoreau ……Photo by Ramon Hernandez